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We will find an employer for you based on the skills and experience you have. The employer provides you with a visa, and this visa lets skilled workers, who are nominated by an employer, live and work in Australia permanently. Once you arrive in Australia our representative will pick you up from the airport and drop you safely at the accommodation arranged. Accommodation is provided by most employers at least for the initial period, however, the duration may vary. We will organize a local tour to introduce you to the basic facilities you would need in your day-to-day life. We will also assist you in finding rental accommodation if you need it. On arrival, you will be provided a sim card free of cost. If you require assistance with your VISA process, we will be able to help you. We have qualified and experienced immigration consultants who will be able to assist you in this matter.


Registration as a nurse in New Zealand and Australia is an essential requirement for healthcare professionals seeking to practice in these countries. The registration process ensures that nurses meet the necessary standards and qualifications to provide safe and competent care to patients.

In New Zealand, the registration process is overseen by the Nursing Council of New Zealand. To register as a nurse, applicants must meet specific educational requirements, including completing an approved nursing program and obtaining a relevant nursing qualification. Additionally, applicants must demonstrate competence in the English language and provide evidence of good health and character. The Nursing Council assesses each application individually and may require additional information or qualifications depending on the applicant’s circumstances.

In Australia, the registration process is managed by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) in collaboration with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. Nurses seeking registration must have completed an accredited nursing program and possess a nursing degree or diploma. They must also demonstrate proficiency in English and provide evidence of good character and fitness to practice. The AHPRA assesses each application and may request additional documentation or assessments as required.

Both New Zealand and Australia have specific registration pathways for internationally qualified nurses. These pathways often involve assessing the applicant’s qualifications, work experience, and English language proficiency. Additional requirements, such as bridging programs or exams, may be necessary to ensure that international nurses meet the local standards and regulations.

It is important for nurses considering registration in New Zealand or Australia to familiarize themselves with the respective registration bodies’ requirements and processes. It is advisable to contact the Nursing Council of New Zealand and AHPRA directly or visit their official websites for up-to-date and accurate information on registration procedures, fees, and any recent changes in requirements.

Overall, obtaining registration as a nurse in New Zealand or Australia involves meeting specific educational and professional criteria, demonstrating English language proficiency, and providing evidence of good character. The process can vary depending on individual circumstances, so it is essential to thoroughly research and understand the requirements before embarking on the registration journey.

ANMAC assessment

The Assessment process for nurses seeking registration in Australia is managed by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC). ANMAC is the authorized assessment authority responsible for evaluating the qualifications, skills, and experience of internationally qualified nurses.

The assessment process conducted by ANMAC is designed to ensure that internationally qualified nurses meet the required standards and possess the necessary competencies to practice nursing in Australia. It involves a comprehensive review of the nurse’s educational background, professional experience, and English language proficiency.

International nurses who wish to work in Australia typically undergo an assessment of their qualifications and work experience by ANMAC. The assessment involves verifying the authenticity and equivalence of their nursing qualifications obtained outside of Australia. ANMAC compares the educational qualifications and clinical experience of the nurse to the Australian standards for nursing education and practice.

In addition to the assessment of qualifications, international nurses are usually required to demonstrate proficiency in the English language. ANMAC sets the English language requirements and accepts recognized language proficiency tests such as the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or the Occupational English Test (OET) as proof of language skills.

Based on the assessment results, ANMAC provides a recommendation to the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) and the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia regarding the nurse’s eligibility for registration. The final decision regarding registration is made by AHPRA and the Board, taking into consideration the assessment findings and any additional requirements specified by ANMAC.

International nurses should refer to the ANMAC website or contact ANMAC directly to obtain accurate and up-to-date information about the assessment process, required documentation, fees, and any recent changes or updates.

ANMAC plays a vital role in evaluating the qualifications and skills of internationally qualified nurses, ensuring that they meet the standards necessary to provide safe and competent care in Australia. By managing the assessment process, ANMAC contributes to the maintenance of high-quality nursing practice and the protection of patient safety in the Australian healthcare system.


Migration to New Zealand and Australia involves a process that includes several key steps and requirements. While the specific details may vary depending on individual circumstances and visa categories, here is a general description of the migration process for both countries:

Determine Eligibility: The first step is to assess your eligibility for migration to New Zealand or Australia. This involves considering factors such as your occupation, skills, qualifications, work experience, age, language proficiency, and overall points eligibility. Each country has its own immigration policies and visa categories, so it is essential to research and understand the specific criteria for your situation.

Choose the Right Visa: Once you have determined your eligibility, you need to select the appropriate visa category that aligns with your purpose of migration. There are various visa options available, including skilled migration visas, family visas, student visas, business visas, and more. Each visa has specific requirements, conditions, and application processes.

Skill Assessment (if applicable): If you are applying for a skilled migration visa, you may need to undergo a skills assessment. This assessment evaluates your qualifications, work experience, and skills to ensure they meet the standards set by the respective immigration authorities. Skill assessment organizations approved by the relevant authorities conduct these assessments.

Lodge Application: After selecting the suitable visa category and completing any necessary skill assessments, you can proceed to lodge your visa application. This involves completing the required application forms, providing supporting documents, and paying the applicable fees. It is important to ensure that all the information provided is accurate and complete to avoid delays or rejection.

Health and Character Checks: Both New Zealand and Australia require health and character assessments as part of the migration process. This includes undergoing medical examinations and providing police clearance certificates to demonstrate good character and health. These checks aim to protect the safety and well-being of residents and ensure the integrity of the immigration system.

Visa Processing and Decision: Once your application is lodged, it will undergo processing by the respective immigration authorities. This may involve further verification of documents, additional information requests, and assessments. The processing time can vary depending on the visa category and the volume of applications. Upon assessment, a decision will be made regarding the approval or rejection of your visa application.

Migration and Settlement: If your visa application is approved, you will receive a visa grant letter. This allows you to travel to New Zealand or Australia and commence your migration journey. Upon arrival, you will need to fulfil any remaining requirements, such as registering with professional bodies (if applicable) and complying with visa conditions. It is important to familiarize yourself with the local laws, regulations, and support services to aid in your settlement and integration into the new country.

It’s worth noting that the migration process can be complex, and it is recommended to seek professional advice or consult the official immigration websites of New Zealand and Australia for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

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