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About Us

We help employers and candidates find the right fit

Spot On Recruit is a nursing recruiting agency formed in view to helping nurses and employers to find their right match.   Globally, the overloaded healthcare systems are going through a challenging situation, especially, due to the lack of an experienced nursing workforce. Having experienced the dreadful effect of the pandemic, governments across the globe are pooling in all resources to equip their healthcare systems to bulwark against any future resurgence of pandemics.

As a first step, Australia, which gives topmost priority to the health and well-being of its citizens, is opening its doors to qualified nurses to come and be a part of its healthcare and community.

This great news will be well received by job aspirants from across the world. However, questions like ‘Who can be looked up to?’ ‘Who can be banked in on?’ will pop up in your minds, won’t it?

Certainly, you can count on us to fulfill your ambition, mainly because we have been in Australia for years as members of the healthcare fraternity, wholeheartedly committed to bolstering up the country’s health sector in all possible ways. So, you can rely on us as we are committed to liaison with various healthcare providers and prospective employees. Our entry into that role is enough to assure you that we can support you to hit a milestone in your career.

Feel free to contact us! We are glad to guide you through to your goal. 

*job offers
in Cardiac and Vascular Care
*job offers
in Intensive Care
*job offers
in Orthopaedics

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